Monday, December 9, 2013

College Milestones

Hi Everybody!

It's been awhile since I've
  1. written a post and
  2. written a post that's not about my depression
So today I'm going to do both of those; today I'd like to talk about my college career.  

My college career is coming to a close.  I have ONE semester left and I think it's going to be pretty easy.  I think at this point I've completed most of the things I'm going to complete in my college life other than graduation.

So here we go, here are some of the things I've done in the past 4 and a half years.
  • Moved into a dorm and then moved back out because I decided that the big campus wasn't for me just yet
  • Joined a club and made some of the best friends I've ever known
  • Became a waitress and loved/hated it
  • Worked in "fast food", Panera thinks they're better than everyone else but they're really not
  • Moved into an apartment with my significant other, it has had its ups and downs
  • Failed a class (a couple times, oops)
  • Went to a Penn State football game or two (they were amazing)
  • Survived the Sandusky ordeal
  • Chose a major, changed my major, changed my major again and then finally picked one
  • Turned 21 and had the best possible 21st birthday
  • Admitted that I have depression and decided to go to therapy for it (on three different occasions)
  • My significant other and I got a cat (that we weren't supposed to have)
  • Got a credit card and did what everyone tells you not to do with said credit card
  • Found my passion in life
  • Started a blog 
  • Joined a club and realized that no club will ever be the same as the Lion Players
  • Had one or two really bad semesters but ended up learning that no matter how bad it gets it WILL get better
  • Learned that Netflix can be your best friend when you're too poor to go out
  • "Interned" at PennDOT and learned what sexual harassment is
  • Babysat the worst kids in the world for a summer
  • Went to an interview (or two) and didn't get the job or internship
  • Questioned if what I was doing was right (on multiple occasions)
  • Paid tuition for the final time and had no debt to show for it
  • Scheduled for my final semester
  • Looked at my degree audit and smiled because I have every class (plus some) that I need to graduate
Some of these may seem better or more meaningful than others but for me I've learned a lot in the past few years about myself and others.  At times I may feel like college hasn't been exactly what it was supposed to be but I think I've done what I needed to do here and I'm ready for my next step college and I only have a few more months to go.

Happy Monday!