Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 1

Today I decided to start a blog.

The End.

Just kidding.  I like to be a little humorous now and again.  For real though, today I decided to start a blog so I could let the internet follow my life.  Why anyone ever wants that I'm not sure but today I'm joining every other blogger out there.

I'll start with a little about myself.  I'm a student at Penn State getting ready to end her Senior year and start her Super Senior year.  I've been here for 4 years now and I'm ready to get out but I guess we'll just have to wait until next May.

I live here in State College, PA with the love of my life Kyle Salitrik and without him I don't think I would have been able to make it here so far away from my family.  Kyle will graduate next May too and then he wants to go to the Navy.  I'm terrified about this new change in our lives but more on that later.

Let's talk about my family.  It's huge.  I'm the oldest of seven in a very blended family.  When I'm home in Coal Center, PA I live with my mom and stepdad AND my 3 brothers and 3 sisters.  We're not all biologically related and sometimes I get really annoyed with them but I do love all of them.  I'm sure I'll talk about them plenty more.

What are my dreams and aspirations?  Well I love, love, love to bake.  I'll bake cookies, cupcakes, cakes, pies, whatever.  I hope to one day open my own bakery and sell all of the delicious treats I so love to create.  However,  my dreams are probably going to be put on the back burner for a little while because Kyle's military aspirations are going to come first.  Today I'm okay with that but tomorrow might be another story.

So what brings me to blogging?  I just thought maybe my life was interesting enough for the rest of the internet world to read about.  I could be wrong.  I hope to keep this up for as long as possible so that I can chronicle my final year at Dear Old State, the trials and tribulations of the love of my life joining the Navy, my second love, baking, and finally everything else that comes along with being Hannah Marie Bodnar.

Thanks for taking a look.  Ta-ta for now!

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