Thursday, April 25, 2013

Exam Day

Today will be a shorter post because I have my first of four written final exams this evening.  I make the distinction of a written exam because I had a German oral exam yesterday.  It went really well.

I suppose starting a blog during the last week of classes probably isn't the most intelligent idea I've ever had but I really felt inspired to do so yesterday and when I'm inspired to do something I usually do it unless it requires a lot of physical activity and or money that I don't have.

I've kind of decided that I'd like to make specific topic days with this blog.  Some days will still be me randomly rambling. Ah, look at that alliteration! But other days will have a purpose.  Today is obviously NOT one of those days.  Tomorrow though will probably be the start of "I bake on Fridays".  That's a working title.  And no I won't be baking every Friday, I'll bake whenever I please but I want to make posts about things I have baked and or will bake on Fridays.  I like to add a little stability to my otherwise hectic life when and where I can.

I'm also debating on Caturday, which will happen on Saturdays.  I love cats and posting about them would be just so fun.  I could even start posting about cats by featuring my adorable little monster Link.  I don't want to look like a crazy cat lady though so maybe we won't post about cats every Saturday.  Stay tuned though because I'm sure that soon enough, Caturday or no Caturday, there will be a post all about Link.

That's enough of my rambling, Happy Thursday All!

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