Saturday, April 27, 2013


This will probably be my one and only "Caturday" post unless while I'm home for the summer I feel inspired to post about my sister's cat. But we'll see, all in good time folks, all in good time.

Caturday is exactly what you think it is.  Talking about cats on Saturday.  This Saturday is all about one specific cat, Link.

There he is being inconvenient.

We brought Link home after Christmas break due to my excessive nagging about my dire need for a cat.  It was also very convenient that Kyle's parents had just took in two stray kittens and their mother.  I found this to be the perfect opportunity to bring our very own little kitty back to State College.

Now we're not supposed to have pets in our apartment but we'd already broken the rules with a hamster so what could happen if we brought home a cat?  Absolutely nothing is the answer.  At first we were worried about the maintenance people seeing him so we kept him in a closet, a very large one mind you, when we weren't around.  The clever little guy however figured out how to open the door so eventually that became out of the question.  Our worrying was however in vain.  One evening when our sink decided to overflow and make a royal mess the maintenance man came and saw our darling little Link.  He remarked that our cat was cute and that was the end of it. Phew!  

Here's the genius bird/squirrel watching.

So he was allowed out of his closet during the day but we kept him in at night.  That was fine until he started getting out again and now he has free roam 24/7.  He's the king of the castle.  Link chooses night to be his most annoying hour.  We're trying to sleep and he's usually trying to play.  

He sleeps all day just so he 
can torture us while we sleep.

All in all he's a really cute little guy and we love him.  Sometimes he thinks he's a dog, he love love loves to play fetch with his ball that he enjoys hiding in the apartment.  He's also a drooler which I've never had a cat do.  It's pretty gross.  I'd say his favorite thing to do is lay on our computers and/or climb all over us when we're doing something important.  His most recent hobby is trying to escape when we leave the apartment.  Yeah we're in trouble.

He's too cute.

I think I've covered everything I possibly can about the cute little ball of fur.  Happy Caturday!


  1. He's the cutest, Hannah! Mom is making me bring Abby (the fat, crazy cat) to wherever I live next. you can imagine how excited I am.

    I love that you're blogging!

    xx, Paige

    1. My mom keeps telling me to take my dog but I don't think she'd be very happy going from wide open spaces to being trapped in a small one bedroom apartment.

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