Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I’m in college now, so cliques shouldn't be a problem right? Wrong!

The best picture illustrating cliques that I've ever seen.

I’ll be honest I wasn't all that worried about cliques or being part of the popular crowd in school.  I jumped around from friend circle to friend circle up until about sophomore year of high school and then I kicked it pretty regularly with my band friends.  I was way into marching band and I loved it and I loved my friends (I still love my friends that I've kept).  Somehow I made it from kindergarten all the way to senior year with friends and as I look back on it I’m not sure how it happened, making friends was just easy when you’re young.

But now I’m getting ready to graduate college and I don’t have friends like I did in high school. It’s a lot harder to make adult friends.  Don’t get me wrong.  I've met some great people and I talk to them on almost a daily basis.  I've made work friends and class friends and one or two friends in my major.  But I don’t have a group.  If I did have to designate my group it would be a two person group of me and Kyle, but sometimes I think he doesn't even want to be in my group (and yes that’s okay).

I have tried to be parts of groups.  At my current place of work (and I apologize if this offends anyone) it’s pretty clique-y.  There’s a distinct group of “Seasonal Hires” and another of “We've been here awhile”.  I guess I’d say I’m right in the middle of the two and that’s why I don’t really belong in either of those groups.  Last year there was a distinct “popular group” which is kind of sad to think about but it was there.  I was basically given the opportunity to be in it but I honestly can’t help talking to the people that aren't in the “popular group” and that’s when I got the message that said “Hey we (the popular group) like you but you can’t technically be in the group because you’re talking to the people we don’t like”. 

That’s not really fair and it’s actually really rude.  I believe that you should treat everyone kindly even if you don’t like them.  I was kind of a bitch in high school and I didn't do this but I've done it for as long as I can think of after high school and I plan on keeping it that way. No one should feel left out ever.  And I’m all for abolishing cliques even though I’m pretty sure that’s impossible.

Down with the cliques! 
       and Happy Wednesday!

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