Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Biological Clock Conundrum

In case you were wondering I was totally going for a "Big Bang Theory"-esque title.  If you're not familiar with the show just go look at a title for one of the episodes and you'll find the title of this blog mildly humorous.

Any who, let's talk about the biological clock. is always funny.

For a long time I didn't believe that I would one day feel my biological clock "ticking".  To be honest I didn't think it was real but after the past few days I'm now a firm believer.  

In the last week I've seen a million engagement ring ads and a ton of recent-ish Alumni and their babies walking around downtown and at my place of work.  I'm DEFINITELY NOT saying I'm ready for a baby but I'm thinking my body is thinking about it.  I've always kind of thought to myself that I'd like to be married and have children (well maybe just one child) by the time I'm like 30 and if you think about it I'm 22 and yeah it's 8 years away but 8 years can go by kind of quick.  

Example: In 3 days it will be 8 years since my dad passed away and it feels like that just happened yesterday.  

I guess what I'm trying to say is the biological clock is real and you should never doubt that.  I know some of you out there might be younger and you're thinking this chick is crazy there's no way I'm actually going to feel pressure from my own being to get the ball rolling in life but seriously it's real.  And then I know some of you that are my age and older are probably like "I feel ya girl" and for that I thank you.

On another note I just wanted to let y'all know I had a totally awesome weekend celebrating my boyfriend's parents' 40th wedding anniversary.  (Congrats Bobby and Dan!) 

Happy Sunday!

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