Monday, September 2, 2013

Group Projects

Today is going to be a lovely little rant about group projects.

This comes about because this year I have a class that is one big group project. That's right, for 15 weeks 5 people and myself get to work together and in the end we will be graded on our ability to do so.  It sounds awesome doesn't it?  No, not really.  So far, mind you we're only a week into the semester, all but one of my fellow group members has responded to my efforts to get together and start our project.  How cool is that?

Pretty much my favorite info-graphic EVER.

So in the spirit of "loving" group projects here's a list of things I love (hate) about them.

1. We get to work in a group!
As a self-proclaimed introvert working in a group is tiring.  One of the trademarks of being an introvert is that we thrive on doing things alone, group activities tire us out. So therefore, I don't necessarily like group projects unless I get a really good group which has yet to happen.

2.  I get to do all of the work!
Trust me, I love busting my butt so that other people can benefit from my efforts. Okay, so if I'm volunteering and I'm helping people because I want to then it's okay but if you're in my group and you expect to get credit for doing nothing you better check yourself before you wreck yourself (or grade).  I'll add that sometimes if you're lucky you might have one other person like you in the group so you catch a little bit of a break.

3. I have to confront the teacher about your poor efforts.
I hate confrontations and in an ideal world where group projects worked out well this would never happen. However, my group project experience so far has led me to believe that I will always have to tell my instructor (face-to-face or in some kind of peer review form) that my fellow group members suck.

4. I end up despising people that I could have or was already friends with.
If we're in a group and you do nothing and then get pissed when you don't get credit I will end up disliking you.

That's all I think I have to say about "group" projects.  As you can tell so far my experiences haven't been great.  Sometimes (and this is especially true for grade school teachers who stuck me with the "below average" students) it is the teachers fault because they intentionally assign you a group that is doomed to fail but most times it's because most people are lazy and I (in terms of my education) am not.

I hope everyone else can say better things about they're group project experiences.
Happy Monday!

Disclaimer:  To future employers that may see this for whatever reason just because I'm pessimistic about group projects it does not mean I will not participate in a meaningful way if assigned to one.

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