Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's not Monday but here's a Military post.

As we all know it is not Monday and I haven't posted about the military in a long time but today seems like a fitting day for a military post.  Today this post will serve two purposes.

#1: Today is the 12 year anniversary of 9/11

I don't dwell a lot on tragedies well, I try not to.  I was in 5th grade when the terrorist attacks happened and I'll tell you exactly how I felt when I found out what was going on in Mrs. Ratica's English class, confused.  It took me awhile to figure it out.  Kids kept being picked up and I was hearing buzz words like bombs, airplanes, and Al Qaeda but no one was telling us 5th graders the whole story.

English class was eighth period for me and that's when Mrs. Ratica finally turned on the TV and showed us what was happening.  I was still confused though, I had no idea what it all meant.  I had so many questions like, what is a terrorist, who's Osama Bin Laden, why would they want to hurt us.  I think I vaguely remember my mom trying to explain it to me and it was probably the first time in my life that I actually watched the news.  Of course now I know what it was all about and I personally will never be able to forgive the people that did this to us.  I will always remember the innocent people killed and everyone that tried to help.  For all of those that were lost that day and any other day you may be gone but you are not forgotten.

#2: Kyle heard back from the Navy

This topic is a little more personal to me and I haven't wrote about it in a long time.  The reason for that is because nothing was happening.  However, he met with his recruiter on Monday and something has finally happened he's been accepted into the Naval Flight Officer program.  I'm happy/proud and upset all at the same time.  I guess nothing is really official yet, he hasn't signed anything, but we're getting closer.  I'll keep you updated but in the meantime,

Happy Wednesday!

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