Friday, September 6, 2013

I miss my cat.

If you know me you know I love animals and if you don't know me well then now you know that I love animals.

At home I have two dogs, okay only one is actually mine but it's very rude to not claim Coal plus I love him so yeah he's mine.  Here at school we have some fish, they're not very exciting but they glow in the dark so that's pretty cool.  We used to have a hamster but sadly he isn't with us anymore (R.I.P. Sonic) and we also had a cat but he stayed back home so that he didn't go through kitty depression.  He has many "friends" at Kyle's house that he reigns supreme over because he thinks he's king of the cats, at least that's the attitude he had when we left him.

But I miss him.  He liked to cuddle sometimes and also be up in my grill whenever I was trying to do something important.  It was also nice having him here when Kyle would get home late.  I'm not much of a people person so I don't go out with or invite over friends all that often but I sure do like animals so I wish little (well not so little anymore) Link was here.  However, I'm sure he's very happy at home lounging on his cat tower and doing other awesome cat things.

"This is my chair"

Happy Friday!

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