Monday, November 4, 2013

Blue-Eyed Baker: Everybody makes mistakes

I haven't been baking recently.  I just haven't had the motivation but I had friends over Saturday night and I thought I'd bake cookies.

I was in Wal-Mart and saw some butterscotch baking chips. Butterscotch is one of my favorite flavors so I bought them intending to make some basic butterscotch chip cookies.  So I went home and found my recipe. All was well for the most part until I realized I made a mistake.  I used baking powder instead of baking soda.  

As I rushed through the recipe I didn't read it correctly and the baking powder was the first thing I saw in my cabinet so I used it.  If you don't know what happens when you make this mistake I'll tell you.  It's not super catastrophic and the cookies are still edible but they don't brown very well and they come out sort of doughy.  The recipe I used also made a super sweet cookie that was pretty disgusting.

Needless to say I didn't give them to my guests so if they read this I apologize for my cookie failure. I'm not going to post the recipe because it wasn't that great and unless you like instantaneously getting cavities after biting into a cookie you're probably not going to want to use it.

Not the most appetizing picture.

Good luck in all your baking endeavors and Happy Monday!

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