Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer Bloggin'

If you haven't noticed I haven't been blogging.  Summer time has proved to be a really bad time to blog, for me.  I'll gladly blame it on lack of time and motivation and things to blog about.  You can clearly see that it is Monday but this is not a "Military Monday" post.  Right now, there's just not too much going on with the whole Navy thing.  Kyle is patiently waiting to hear back from whomever he needs to hear back from and I'm just trying to enjoy our last non-Navy summer together.

So back to the topic at hand, summer blogging is hard.  I have three online classes simultaneously running right now, I have a 7:30 am - 3:30 pm baby sitting gig going on and after watching Nick Jr. for 8 hrs straight and then coming home to bull-shit for three hours about business crap I just don't feel like blogging especially when I'm half way through a book and the sun is shining.  It's been pretty rainy here for awhile.  Plus, I've got friends and family that wants to do stuff with me so sue me if I don't blog too often.

I guess my point is that my blogging habits until otherwise said are going to be very sporadic.  I'm going to try to do a Blue-Eyed Baker every week because I plan on baking a lot and I'll try to keep you all updated on the Kyle Joins the Navy Saga.  Also, if I read or see or hear something really great or really terrible I'll let you know about that too.  And if I'm feeling nostalgic or sad you'll get a whole heaping pile of sappiness that will probably keep you satiated for a few weeks (hint, hint Father's Day is on Sunday).

But until I see you again, Happy Monday and Happy Summer!

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