Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I've recently gotten into the habit of looking at theBerry semi-religiously.  This isn't the first time this has happened and it probably isn't the last.  I have a nice habit of being somewhat internet free for awhile and then I go on a binge where I look at tons and tons and tons of photo galleries on the internet.  My favorite websites include:

and sometimes Yahoo!

But my internet addiction is not why we are here today.  Today I'd like to talk about "Netflixing" a word I found by looking at a post on theBerry.

I need this.

Before today I was unaware that there was a word for binge watching on Netflix.  Now I'm more enlightened and I will admit that I am indeed a Netflixer.  I don't actually have a Netflix subscription but when I'm at my apartment in State College we use Kyle's parents subscription (they are saints). I don't use Netflix all that much but when I do I go hard.  It's usually the result of me being jealous about how Kyle has friends and I'm completely anti-social but that's another story.  

Anyhow, when I turn on Netflix you can count on me watching one movie and at least 10 episodes of a show.  One day I watched 2 seasons of Arrested Development in one sitting.  Netflix kindly reminded me multiple times that I should probably get up and do something instead of sitting on my couch and eating a whole bag of Doritos while wishing Jason Bateman was my boyfriend (sorry Kyle).

So I'd like to compile a list of TV shows I'd love to be Netflixing the crap out of right this second:

Arrested Development - Okay so I started this one but I never finished it
The Big Bang Theory - Kyle totally got me hooked on this show
Parks and Rec - I also started this one but should definitely go back and finish it. I love me some Aziz Ansari
The Office - Such a good show.  Also I wish I were Pam.
Orange is the New Black - This show looks so good.
Wilfred - Every time I catch an episode I laugh so I should probably watch every episode. Right?
Weeds - I've heard good things. I enjoyed the pilot.  I need to watch it.
Breaking Bad - See above.
Firefly - Nathan Fillion, will you marry me?

I'm sure there are more, I'm not really familiar with all that Netflix has to offer.  Also if any of these shows aren't offered please excuse me for my ignorance.

Happy Wednesday!

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