Monday, July 15, 2013

Positive Thoughts

Today I was going to post about my visit to Carlo's Bake Shop, but it can wait.  The past two days I've been feeling pretty down and negative.  I've felt bad about Kyle going to the Navy, the loss of my dad, my unclear future and a few other things.  But, I was just looking at (a great site if you like to waste time looking at pictures like me) and I found a post called Be All That You Can Be and one picture in particular reminded me that instead of wallowing in my sadness I should think of the things that I do have.

So here's a list of positive things that I have in my life,

My family
I'm very blessed to have a family that loves me.  Even though I get mad at them sometimes for not being perfect, I know they'll always be here.

A home
In a post awhile ago I discussed how sometimes I'm unsure of where home is but no matter where I am in life I'll always have a place to come back to that I can call home for the time being.

My significant other
It may sound pretentious but I feel weird calling Kyle my boyfriend.  Regardless of what you or I call him though I'm thankful he's around.  I get upset a lot because I'm nervous about him possibly leaving for the Navy in about a year but I love him to death.

My pets
Animals have a way of knowing when your down.  My dogs are the perfect pick me up.  As soon as I walk outside they're there tails wagging.  My cat is less helpful but he's still super cute.

My car
This is a bit material but I know a lot of people that don't have their own cars and it sucks.  I have the freedom to go anywhere.  

My 2 best friends
I don't rely on them all too much because I like to tell myself that I can solve everything on my own but when I decide that I do need them they are ALWAYS there.  I could literally not talk to them for 3 months and then we pick up right where we left off like we just talked the day before.  I couldn't find better friends.

My education
Most days I'm really worried about what the heck I'm going to do next May when I graduate.  I want to own a bakery but I'm going to have no financial means to do so right after I graduate so what am I gonna do?  Obviously I'll get a job but there are a lot of questions that I don't know the answer to.  However, I will have a degree which is something that not everyone has so, thanks mom for making me go to college and giving me the means to do so.

My job
Currently I'm babysitting a few days a week which is most of the time a drag BUT I am employed.  I'm also not really looking forward to going back to work when school starts up but it is super cool that I don't have to worry about looking for employment.  I have a guaranteed job where I'm guaranteed to make $7.50 an hour and work at least 15 hours a week.  I shouldn't complain.

My life
This is something I don't think about too often because at 22 I'm still pretty sure I'm going to live forever but when I'm really down in the dumps it's sometimes nice to think about how I'm still here.  I'm still alive and I have the power to turn all of my frowns upside down.

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