Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Absentee

Yeah, yeah I know I've been absent for about a week now.  I don't know if I have any die hard fans that really care or even notice enough to miss me but it doesn't matter because some days I miss blogging.  Although it sucks when you don't have a lot to blog about.

The past week was pretty boring.  I didn't go anywhere of note or read any super inspiring books (I am reading "The Trial" by Kafka at the moment but I'm having a real hard time getting through it) or bake anything.  The breakdown of last week is as follows:

I babysat.  It wasn't very fun.  It felt like an eternity.

I think I watched Law and Order for 8 hours straight, did some homework and took my first shower in a couple days (I know, I'm gross).

More babysitting.  It was just as uneventful as Monday

I honestly don't remember anything about this day except for being depressed at wings/The Eagles because I drank too much vodka.

I went to Kyle's.  I learned about the X-men and other comic book characters.  

We ended up in State College because they found out about the cat.  We had to remove all of his stuff and now we have no more kitty at the apartment. Oh well.

I slept for a long time and then did more nothing (I think).  Seriously, I remember as much about Sunday as I do about Thursday.  What is my life?

I'll be honest, I think we all deserve a lazy day or two but last week was just pathetic.  Maybe I should re-evaluate some things.  I guess the good news though is that this week will be busy because I plan on baking at least one thing and I'm trying to get as much school work done as possible since we're leaving for the beach on Saturday! YAYYY!

This was me all last week

Happy Tuesday!

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