Monday, May 20, 2013

R.I.P. Sonic

I think in one of my original posts or my "About Me" page I mentioned my hamster, Sonic.  Sonic became a part of Kyle and I's family in February of 2012 when my grandma gave me too much money for my birthday.   I also desperately wanted a kitten and since no one in State College would give me one I bought a hamster instead.  He was cute and adorable and his fur had a blue tinge to it so Kyle named him Sonic.

Such a cutie.

Now hamsters aren't the best pets to cuddle with or anything but we enjoyed letting him climb around on the couch and roll around in his ball.  We liked to buy him new things to spruce up his cage and give him treats that made him fat.

On one of the breaks I brought him home and forgot the food at the apartment.  He munched on granola bars and apple skins for a week and got really fat.  He never did lose the weight.

When we brought Link back to State College Sonic kind of took the back seat.  Link was more fun and we couldn't really let Sonic roll around in his ball because Link would attack.  I still took care of him but once he had to be put up on a shelf out of Link's reach we didn't pay too much attention to him.  I felt bad for the poor guy.

So when I put him in the car to bring him home for the summer I was excited because Link doesn't stay at my house so I could pay more attention to Sonic.  The day I left I got him down from his shelf and he looked fine.  I told him, "We're going home Little Buddy".   I finished packing the car put Sonic and Link inside and took off.  When I got home I unloaded Link and Sonic first because it was rather hot out.  I checked on my little guy and he didn't look so great.  I left him alone for awhile so that I could unpack the rest of the car and my mom came out and said, "When was the last time your hamster moved?".  Oh boy, I checked on him and indeed he wasn't alive anymore.

I chalked his death up to a long, bumpy car ride and old age. It was no one's fault.  Hamsters only live for like two years and my drive way is enough to give a person a heart attack.


So rest in peace Sonic, we'll miss you. Happy Tuesday!

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