Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The New Job

Today I started my new job at a local bakery.  It was interesting.  I hope to god none of my coworkers and/or boss stumble upon my blog because this isn't going to be a "nice" post.

I like working there.  Let's start with that BUT, there are some serious short-comings in that bakery.  For instance, I never thought I would walk into a bakery and see them use a box cake mix.  I know my friends, Micah and Nicole, will rag on me later about another rant on box mixes but SERIOUSLY?  I could never imagine charging people for a cake that I made if it came out of a box.  They don't even add anything extra.  It's just the mix.  I was like super stunned when I saw that.  Now she (my boss) does make everything else from scratch, I think, but still.  It's not hard to make a cake from scratch; I do it quite often.  I feel like you're probably costing yourself more money by purchasing the mixes individually.  I'm sure it'd be much cheaper, not too mention authentic and possibly tastier, if you bought all of your ingredients in bulk and made things from scratch. But whatever, it's not my bakery.

Next point, the health inspector would have a field day with that place.  It's a mess.  While I was standing around all day with my thumb up my ass watching people teach me how to make a cake out of a box I wanted nothing more than to clean.  It was dirty and unorganized.  I personally wanted to just shut it all down.  Robert Irvine (for you Restaurant Impossible fans) would be appalled.  I'm not the neatest, most organized person in the world so when I say it's bad then it's definitely bad.  I don't know how they've survived for so many years without being shut down.

One more thing, I understand that when you own a business you get to do things your way.  I understand that you have the freedom to be a little particular about things.  My boss however is super particular about EVERYTHING.  She yelled at me today because of how I washed the dishes.  Puh-lease! That's a bit ridiculous.  Also, I hate the way she ices her cupcakes, it'll never be a problem I'll just do it the way she wants it but for the record I think it looks stupid.

When she told me that I could feel free to put in my opinion I wanted to say so many things but I don't think she'd like to hear them.  I still like my job but I no longer think that I'll be going back next summer or anything like I thought I did at first.

That's all, end rant.  I'm sure I'll have more to say on the subject later.  Happy Tuesday!

P.S.  My sister, Mercedes, says hi!

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