Thursday, May 23, 2013

Things I want to enjoy this Summer

When Summer begins I always make grandiose plans.  I'm going to workout, eat healthier, be more active, go more places, attend more concerts, et cetera, et cetera. I already told myself and blogged about how I was going to workout and all that business and I'll be honest, it might not happen.  But I do have some places I'd like to get to and I would like to make the most of the summer so I'll post this now and at the end of the summer we'll see what happens.

Cucumber Falls

I talked about Ohiopyle when I was home for what I thought was only a week and I didn't get to go because it rained all week.  I don't think it will rain all summer and I hope to make it to Ohiopyle several times over the summer with or without my Sadie dog.


I love to camp.  I should spend more time outdoors seeing as I love it so much but I never do.  The internet and TV are just much more convenient.  I hope to go camping at least once or twice this summer.

Less Tech

The blurb above brings me to "Less Tech".  I'm almost always near a TV, computer, tablet or my cell phone.  I would love to cut down on my usage of all of those things over the summer. I'd like to cut down to about an hour a day on my laptop and an hour a day of TV.  I'm sure my cell phone will still always be on my person but I'd like to cut down on how many times I check Facebook and play how much I play meaningless games like Candy Crush.

The Beach

Now I know I will knock this one out.  My family is going to Wildwood, NJ for my sister's dance competition this summer and I'm also supposed to visit my aunt in North Carolina in August so I know I will get to the beach.


Most of you probably have no idea what Kennywood is.  Well, I'll tell you, it's an amusement park in Pittsburgh, PA.  I've been there about 8 million times and it really hasn't changed too much.  I'll still go every summer though as long as I live in PA.

Emotional Independence

Now this one's a bit more serious, I recently realized that I'm pretty emotionally dependent on the people around me.  I don't think I was always this way so I'd like to work on making me happier which I think is always a good goal.


I love to read and usually I do a good bit of it.  I'd like to find a few new favorite authors this summer so I don't keep limiting myself to Stephen King.  I will always love King and will always be a die hard fan.  One day I will make it to Maine and go to all of the places he describes in his books.  However, I've limited myself the past few years to reading only King books and in all honesty I'm kind of bored so this Summer I'm going to find at least one new person to add to my list of favorite authors.

I think these are pretty manageable goals and I'll be sure to update you all in August.
Happy Thursday!

P.S. Baking is not on this list because I will be baking almost everyday at work.  Whoopee!

1 comment:

  1. Your cousin and aunt DEMAND that you visit this summer. We have to see you!
