Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's Tuesday

Today is Tuesday, in case you didn't know.  I couldn't think of a good title today because I have just so many things to talk about.

I returned to State College on Sunday.  It was really tough.  After two years of living here I've gotten used to leaving my family for long periods of time but this time I had to leave Kyle back home.  We're both taking classes but his are at a branch campus closer to home while mine are at the main campus.  It's been a long time since I've cried as much as I did on Sunday.  I cried in the car, I cried in Wal-Mart and I cried in my apartment.  I was surprised yesterday morning when I didn't wake up crying.  I think I've got it mostly out of my system now.  I'm pretty pumped for my classes.  I love, love, love my marketing professor and I think everything is going to be okay.

As short as the week was, I did have a great time at home.  It rained a lot so I didn't get to take my darling Sadie to Ohiopyle but I got to do everything else on my list.  I made my mom a gorgeous cake that I'll be featuring in a Blue-Eyed Baker post soon.  I also got to see one of my bestest friends and remind myself how out of shape I am by going to Zumba with my mom.

Nice segue! I am totally out of shape so let the exercising begin!  I told myself that while I'm here for six weeks I'm going to lose at least a little bit of weight.  I'm still refining my routine but get ready because when I go to the beach this summer I am going to look smoking hot (hopefully).  Also get ready for a new series on my fitness routines and some healthier recipes.  I might be changing things around because Fitness Friday has a lovely ring to it.  Or maybe alternating Fitness Friday with Blue-Eyed Baker. We'll see.

So in summation, I had a great time at home, adjusting to a new situation is hard and the next six weeks are hopefully going to be a good time for some renewal.  Happy Tuesday!

OH! Also I hit over 1,000 views on Sunday. Yay!!!

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