Saturday, May 4, 2013

The End of Senior Year

As I said yesterday, I'm officially a Super Senior.  For those of you who were previously unaware of this term; a super senior is a fifth year senior in college.  When I started college I never thought that I would need more than four years to graduate.  But, here I am 4 years later with still a year left.  I'm okay with that.  As much as I want to graduate and move on to the next step in life I know that it's not going to be easy so maybe one more year as a student will be just fine.

This past year has taught me a lot.  It's taught me that you never know what life will throw at you.  And, yeah, I knew that already but I thought I was done with curveballs I thought that I was finally going to have some normality in my life.  That was until Kyle decided to join the military.  Now life is going to change in a big way again and I'm going to be ready for it.

This past year I've also found my passion, baking for people, sure in my Junior year I started baking and people started liking it but this year something changed.  I had people actually asking me to bake things and that was exciting and now I have two people asking me to bake things and their going to pay me for it.  That's doubly exciting.

I also learned that I need to learn how to be a little bit more independent sometimes.  This is a more recent lesson,  a few times this year I've went home without Kyle or he's went home a day before me.  And yeah a day in State College alone is hard for me, go ahead and judge.  Those were small things but in just one short week I will be alone in State College for six whole weeks.  I'm still really scared about it, this is an unprecedented event in my life.  I went to D.C. once for 10 days by myself and I was in tears everyday but I promise myself that these six weeks won't be like that.  I'm going to be active and I'm going to hang out with friends from work and I'm not going to sit around for 42 days and be depressed.  I need to prove to myself that I am a strong, independent person just like I always told myself I was.  I've been doubting myself recently and this is a good opportunity to up my self-esteem.

That's all for today, hope you all enjoyed a lovely Saturday!

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