Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Today is, you guessed it, Mother's Day.  I'm sure myself and plenty of other bloggers out there are dedicating today's post to our mothers.  To me it seems fitting and appropriate and this is one of the ways I'm celebrating my mom today.

My mom is basically my hero.  In tenth grade we had to do a "Most Influential Person" project and while some people did presidents or other important figures I chose my mom because I would literally not be where I am today without her.  But my mom's helpfulness in giving me life is not the end of her greatness.  My mom has taught me a lot in my 22 years and I'm sure she's not done yet but I've realized since I've started living in my own apartment that she's taught me more than I ever thought.

I can clearly remember her teaching me to read and write my name and later teaching me how to drive but since I started living on my own I've realized that she indirectly taught me things too.  I was always afraid that when I moved into my own place that I wouldn't know how to do anything that I hadn't previously been taught.  My mom never explicitly taught me how to cook or that I need to eat somewhat healthy foods on a daily basis but somehow I find myself cooking and eating regularly.  My mom never taught me what to do when your cat pukes on the floor but the first time he did it I cleaned it up and employed the exact same method I now realize my mom used a ton of times with our pets.

I also remember saying time and time again that I will never be like my mother but I'm pretty much a clone of my mother.  Most likely it's a culmination of genes and the way she raised me but if Kyle doesn't fold the towels the way my mom taught me to I kind of get mad and then re-fold the towels in the exact same way my mom does.  I find myself doing a lot of things the way my mom does them and I really can't imagine ever changing them.  I see it as the only way to do things right even if there are clearly other ways that work.  I will always do things  my way/my mom's way.

One thing I can't do is make spaghetti like my mom.  I've tried to make it the same way she does and it never turns out right.  Maybe I'll get it someday and maybe I won't.  Maybe I'll always think my spaghetti sucks and have to go back to mom just to have good spaghetti.  And maybe there's something like that with all moms, there's always a reason you have to go back just so you can have it the way moms make it.

This post feels kind of choppy to me, probably because there are so many things I want to say about my mom.  I love my mom to death, she's my best friend and I can't imagine what I'd do if I didn't have her.  I love you mom.  Happy Mother's Day and Happy Sunday!

Some more of that sweet nostalgia.


  1. I had to wait until you left to read your blog. Aunt Cheryl warned me. Thank you and I love very much!
