Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Silver Linings Playbook a.k.a. The WORST Movie Adaptation EVER

Last night I watched "The Silver Linings Playbook" and a week ago I read the book with the same title. The two should not have the same title.

When a movie comes out that was originally a book I usually make it my mission to read the book first. I like to be "that guy" that compares the book to the movie and usually get mad because the movie was nothing like the book.  Sometimes whoever is in charge does a pretty great job of doing the movie adaptation.  I think that the Harry Potter films are probably the best.  The books will always be better but the person/people in charge of those movies did an amazing job.  Kudos!

The same cannot be said for whoever took it upon themselves to make "The Silver Linings Playbook" into a movie.  At first I wasn't even going to read or watch "Silver Linings", that was until Jennifer Lawrence (who I have a huge girl crush on) won the Oscar for Best Actress.  So I ordered the book and LOVED it.  I was really excited to watch the movie because the book was so good and I thought you could totally make a great movie out of it.  Well they didn't, in my humble opinion.  They completely changed EVERYTHING.  They changed the characters, they changed major events and they changed what the story was really about.  The movie should have been called "I have nothing to do with The Silver Linings Playbook, I'm a piece of crap".  Okay, that's a long and contrived title but the movie was sh*t.  If you haven't read the book you might be okay, it actually could be a good movie.  But I went in having read the book and expecting the movie to be like the book and I was very disappointed.  I don't even know how the author of "Silver Linings" let it happen but maybe he didn't have a say.  I'm not really sure but I am sure that the movie version of "Silver Linings" is terrible.

That is all.  Happy Wednesday.

P.S.  Work was better today, my boss said she was impressed with how well I can ice a cake.  SCORE!!!


  1. Totally agree. I couldn't even finish watching the movie, which I now regret buying.

    1. I "rented" it from Amazon Instant, it was like $5 which isn't terrible but I can think of better ways to spend $5.
