Thursday, May 9, 2013

Big things are happening

Today I wasn't sure what to blog about but then I remembered that today I have a phone interview for a blogging internship!  How fun is that?

A couple weeks ago a friend of mine from school sent me a link for an internship that corresponds with the blog "Best Friends for Frosting".  I took a look at it and saw that it was unpaid and I didn't think much of it.  I took a second look at it later and realized it was for a baking blog and got a little more excited.  I really like blogging and I love baking so what could be better?  I sent in my resume and "patiently" waited for a reply back.

A few days later I got my reply and THEY WERE INTERESTED! So I answered some questions and once again waited "patiently".  This time the reply was much quicker.  They asked me to do a phone interview and we scheduled a day and time.

Now, I've never done a phone interview so I'm a little nervous.  The prospect of sitting unshowered, in your PJ's and doing something professional just doesn't make sense to me.  I've heard that you actually should like shower and look nice just to give yourself that confidence boost while you're on the phone. I might actually end up doing that but we'll see.  All in good time.

Like I said I'm really excited and I hope to get the internship.  I'm not really sure where it's going to take me but it'll be some sort of experience and it will give me something to do when I'm home for the summer probably jobless and bored.  I can only be entertained by my siblings for so long before they get annoying and I want to lock them up.

Happy Thursday!


  1. One of the bits of advice I've heard about phone interviews is to put on the clothes you'd wear for a real interview, sit at a table, and pretend like the person is right there! I had to do a mock phone interview for a project and it helped me be a lot less nervous!

    1. I pretty much was nervous for nothing. All she wanted to know was my availability, the whole thing lasted for like 5 minutes.
